Featured Products
SitWalk Circulation Leg Exerciser With Remote Control
Passive exercise is a simple and effective way to keep your legs active and maintain joint mobility for users whose long or short-term movement is compromised. LEGMAX Passive Exerciser is designed specifically for you in a seated position, to improve your circulation and ROM (Range of Motion) by providing seated, measured leg extension exercises. It can even be used under a desk as you work. And it’s passive exercise at your fingertips.
Sitwalk is simple to use, easy to adjust and comes with remote control, to provide instant choice when you need to vary the speed, stop or repeat the session at any time.
- Improves circulation
- Keeps joints active
- Keeps you active
- Pacemaker friendly
- Available with remote control and extended warranty
Get back on your feet fast with the doctor recommended LegEx – the passive motion device that keeps your lower limbs moving, so you don’t have to! Walking is something that most people simply take for granted – just stand up and go! For others, like you, it is perhaps not that straightforward. If the simple act of walking has become something you actually have to ‘endure’, then it can really take its toll on your overall health and wellbeing. And it can make life very impractical, too, if you can’t just pop out to the shops, take the dog for that much-needed walk around the block, or enjoy those lovely walks in the countryside that you’ve missed so much. Thankfully, help is at hand.
The LegEx™ uses the gentle, rejuvenating effects of Continuous Passive Motion – used in hospitals for decades – allowing you to experience the amazing benefits of this tried and tested the therapy in the comfort of your favourite armchair. Moving gently back and forth, the Leg Exerciser footplates silently work their magic on your lower limbs, stimulating the muscles in your calves, feet and ankles, helping to reduce swelling caused by poor circulation and relieving the aches and strains from your sore legs and feet. All you have to do is sit down, place your feet on the footplates and switch it on. Simple!